DTC 375 Blog #1 Profit

Technology is always advancing and with it so are money and profit. A product that is being produced that will streamline money is called Coin. Coin is a programmable credit card that holds all of your other cards. Coin deactivates if it is too far away from your phone making it secure. I can see companies wanting to charge fees for products that like in the future. I feel that profit methods will gravitate towards all in one products in the future like Coin. An example of this shift is the Xbox One. The Xbox One is designed as a multimedia console with both an HDMI in and an HDMI out. Further along the line I expect to see biointegrated products similar to Google Glass becoming extremely popular. The potential for an empire in this field is immense. There is the potential for a cultural empire that could ostracize people without biointegrated products. And of course there is the potential for the financial empire of a company dominating the market for these products. Situations like this are prevalent in SciFi movies like Gattaca. Societies that force people into certain job situations based on their genetics. Controlling people based on their genetics will lead to immense profits by giving people a “genetically superior” child or placing them into jobs that they are “better suited” for. This can create a genetic empire in theory. A genetic empire can start discriminating against the “genetically weak” population and cause several problems. I also can see blood and “better” genetics becoming a currency at some point. I don’t see this happening for a long time and I expect the government to attempt to prevent this from happening but I think it will be inevitable. I believe that profit is something that every human is going to strive for subconsciously.

My reply links for this set of posts:

League of Legends Focus (Pending Approval)

Coin/Target (Pending Approval)

5 responses to “DTC 375 Blog #1 Profit

  1. Gattaca reference! Nice! 🙂 I enjoyed how the main character in the movie found ways to circumvent around the government policies. With the advancement of biointegrated products there will most likely be a corresponding black market to find them cheaper or outfit them for unregulated tasks.

    Recently, I saw a kind of extreme example of Google Glass called “Sight”. It’s all fiction of course but it shows the benefits and somewhat creepy downfalls of the idea:

    Sight, 7:50 mins

  2. Pingback: gabbypostma | Blog #1

  3. I would like to begin by saying that your essay is very intriguing in the sense that I had no idea futuristic technology such as those glasses even exited in this day an age. I though we were very very far off from creating technology like that. How you tied the idea of society turning into Gattaca was a great comparison to your beliefs. An area for improvement on this essay is that you went a little astray toward the end of it. You started off by saying that society could easily turn into a society that ostracized those that did not own bio integrated products, then you went into A sci-fi Television show or some sort of series that I have never heard of therefore not being able to relate to the comparison to society as well due to having no prior knowledge to it. All in all, you imagination is great throughout the essay, but next time maybe use a comparison that is much more easy to relate to for the common Washington State University student!

  4. Pingback: A Simple Matter of World Wide Communication | thenichio91

  5. This was pretty awesome! I really enjoyed how you expanded on the expanding idea of biointegrated products/technologies. I could definitely see currency being integrated biologically somehow like in the movie In Time where a person time left to live was also used as currency making a persons life completely rely on money. The future will be very interesting to see in terms of what our currency will be or if it will even change as we have seen it do throughout history. I too think that one day, genetics will play a large role in what jobs people acquire, schooling, politics, etc. As technology evolves so must we and the things around us, including currency.

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